Dealing with sinus issues can significantly and negatively affect the quality of your life. Common symptoms like congestion and headaches can cause discomfort and disrupt your everyday life, taking a toll on your physical and mental health. At West Palm Beach Breathe Free, we understand the negative implications of sinusitis in your life. This is why we dedicate ourselves to giving you a proper diagnosis and effective relief so you can live your life freely once again. Let’s work together to stop your sinusitis once and for all!

STOP Sinusitis Symptoms
Sinusitis and its symptoms can easily distinguish themselves from those of a common cold. While a common cold typically lasts 3 to 5 days, sinusitis and its symptoms can last for more than 10 days, without signs of improvement. Sinusitis symptoms may include any of the following:
- Facial pain and/or pressure near the eyes, nose, teeth, and jaw
- Fatigue due to lack of sleep caused by persistent congestion overnight
- Low-grade fever
- Swollen nasal passages causing persistent congestion, leading to a stuffy nose and breathing difficulty
- Blocked nasal passageways
- Decrease in sense of taste and smell
- Headaches
- Mucus trickling down the back of the nose and into the throat, or postnasal drip
- Green or yellow mucus draining from the nose, or nasal discharge
Because symptoms vary from one patient to another, getting a proper diagnosis from a trusted ENT doctor is important. At West Palm Beach Breathe Free, we have a team of professionals dedicated to helping you find relief for your symptoms.

STOP Sinusitis and Energize Your Life
Patients who suffer from sinusitis live every day with a lot of discomfort. Luckily, patients have a range of treatment options to consider, with the expert guidance of our trusted physician. These treatment options range from over-the-counter medications to surgical procedures:
- Medication: After analyzing your symptoms, their severity, and how long you’ve been experiencing them, our physician might recommend various medications to give you relief. These may include prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, or at-home remedies.
o Decongestants: To help reduce the swelling of the sinus lining
o Nasal and systemic steroids: To help minimize chronic inflammation.
- Balloon Sinuplasty: Also known as balloon sinus dilation, balloon sinuplasty is a minimally invasive, in-office procedure that aims to enhance your nasal anatomy to improve drainage. This is done by gently enlarging the natural sinus openings via a small balloon, providing a patient-friendly and effective alternative to surgery.
o STOP sinusitis and its symptoms with only one procedure.
o The procedure takes only about an hour and is performed in the comfort of our clinic.
o It provides relief with excellent results and a very quick recovery time.

- Sinus Surgery: In some cases, surgery might be the best course of treatment. Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) is a procedure that improves your natural nasal anatomy to increase sinus drainage. This procedure allows the natural flow of mucus from your sinus openings. This procedure can be performed in conjunction with balloon sinuplasty.
STOP Sinusitis with Palm Beach Breathe Free
At Palm Beach Breathe Free, our team of dedicated experts will help you get on top of managing your sinusitis and its symptoms.
Request an appointment today with our top professionals to get control back and free yourself from troublesome sinus issues.