The Truth About Sinus Surgery: What to Expect and How It Helps

Chronic sinusitis, sinus infections, and other sinus issues aren’t a cause for major concern and aren’t typically life-threatening. However, they can quickly impact one’s quality of life, especially if left untreated.

Common sinus issues including blocked nasal passages, difficulty breathing through the nose, postnasal drip, headaches, and fatigue can quickly make your days quite the living hell.

If medications – prescription and non-prescription – as well as other interventions do not seem to bring relief in any way, your ENT doctor might suggest a surgical procedure as the next medical

 option to bring you a sense of relief. Procedures like those of sinus surgery can help open up nasal passages to encourage better drainage and improved breathing through the nose.

What Is Sinus Surgery?

“Sinus surgery” is actually a large term with lots of variables. Overall, sinus surgery or intervention can help treat severe cases of chronic sinusitis, sinus infections, and a variety of sinus issues. Medical providers advise patients to have sinus surgery when other forms of medication don’t help with managing their condition.

What Can Be Treated With Sinus Surgery?

Sinus surgery can treat a variety of conditions including:

  • Chronic sinusitis
  • Nasal polyps
  • Deviated septum
  • Tumors and cancer in the nasal cavity
  • Enlarged turbinates
  • Enlarged adenoids
  • Sleep apnea

What Are the Different Types of Sinus Surgery?

It’s important to know that there are several types of sinus surgery, each addressing a unique sinus issue:

Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS)

FESS is the most common type of sinus surgery. During this surgery, your doctor will use an endoscope with a camera and light attached to one end and insert that into the sinus passages in order to track their location inside the patient’s nose. The procedure aims to widen the patient’s nasal passages by removing bone or infected sinus tissue. This clears mucus buildup and improves drainage.

Balloon sinuplasty

Balloon sinuplasty is a minimally invasive procedure that can provide long-term relief from sinusitis. During this procedure, your care provider will use an endoscope and catheter to insert a small balloon into your nose. Then, they will gently inflate this balloon to widen the sinus passages. This improves mucus drainage and breathing through the nose.


Septoplasty is a surgical intervention that aims to correct a deviated septum. The septum is made of bone and cartilage, responsible for separating the nose into the right and left parts. Normally, the septum should be straight. However, there are some cases where the septum is crooked. This affects one’s breathing and ability to drain mucus. Septoplasty aims to correct that anatomical deviation and straighten the septum.

Turbinate surgery

The nose contains small structures called turbinates, which help filter, warm, and humidify the air we breathe. However, infections and other factors can cause them to become inflamed and enlarged, restricting airflow and making nasal breathing difficult. Turbinate reduction surgery can help by reducing their size or repositioning them using techniques like laser or radiofrequency treatment. This procedure improves airflow, making breathing easier.


In our body’s upper pharynx are small tissues called adenoids. They help fight infections but sometimes, they become enlarged and make it harder to breathe through the nose. Your care provider might suggest adenoidectomy to surgically remove enlarged adenoids and improve breathing.

What to Expect From Sinus Surgery?

Depending on the type of sinus surgery you require, surgery expectations will also differ. Typically, there will be a pre-operative screening before any form of surgery takes place. This helps your care provider determine if your body is able to have the surgery. Your care provider might prescribe medications to aid in the healing process.

What Is Recovery Like After Sinus Surgery?

Post-operative care can vary depending on the type of sinus surgery performed. Your doctor will give you specific instructions regarding your recovery. While the details will differ based on the surgery, common post-operative treatments include pain medications, antibiotics, saline nasal sprays, and nasal irrigation. Additionally, you may need to return for follow-up appointments to monitor your recovery and ensure proper healing.

Are There Risks and Complications From Sinus Surgery?

Any surgery carries potential risks and complications, which your healthcare provider will discuss with you in detail before the procedure. Common risks include bleeding, swelling, and numbness at the treatment site. Post-operative infections may also occur, and your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to manage this risk.

Talk to West Palm Beach Breathe Free 

At West Palm Beach Breathe Free, we are committed to providing our patients with the best solutions to their sinus issues. Schedule a consultation with us and find out what type of sinus surgery will help resolve your concern.