Spring Cleaning Your Sinuses: How to Manage Springtime Allergies

Spring has arrived in West Palm Beach, bringing warmer temperatures and beautiful blooms. While many look forward to the season, allergy sufferers know it also means an uptick in sneezing, congestion, and irritation.

In South Florida, spring allergy season typically begins in late winter and can last through early summer. The region’s high pollen levels, combined with humidity and mold spores, can trigger allergy symptoms like sneezing, a runny nose, itchy and watery eyes, throat irritation, headaches, and fatigue.

Seasonal allergies occur when the immune system overreacts to harmless substances like pollen, releasing histamine and causing uncomfortable symptoms. Managing your allergies effectively can make all the difference in enjoying the season.

How to Manage Seasonal Allergies During the Spring Season

Make it a habit to monitor allergen counts

The most common allergens during the spring season are pollen and mold. Make it a habit to regularly monitor allergen counts in your area. This will help you anticipate your symptoms and take proactive measures to manage and keep them at bay. Lucky for allergy sufferers, several websites and tools can help with this like pollen.com, the Weather Channel, and Asthma and Allergy Forecast.

Limit your time outdoors

On days when pollen and mold counts are high, it's best to stay indoors or minimize outdoor activities. When you do head outside, try to plan around lower pollen levels and wear protective clothing to reduce exposure.

Get out of your outdoor clothes and into the shower once you get home

Of course, it’s not feasible to lock yourself in your house during the entire spring season. So, you have to make sure to immediately change out of your outdoor clothes and get in the shower once you get home. This gets rid of allergens you might have picked up during your time outside; this will also prevent you from spreading them throughout your home.

Always keep doors and windows closed

Pollen, mold, and other airborne irritants can travel long distances through the air. To reduce exposure, keep doors and windows closed, especially on windy days, to prevent allergens from entering your home.

Utilize your HVAC system with high-quality HEPA filters to help trap allergens and maintain cleaner indoor air.

Remember to stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is a crucial part of staying healthy, especially during peak allergy season. Proper hydration aids in thinning mucus and helps the proper function of your mucus membranes. This will not only keep your sinus linings moisturized but will also prevent blockages and mucus buildup.

Use an air purifier

An air purifier can get rid of allergens and irritants circulating in your home. Use one with a HEPA filter and make sure to clean it regularly.

You can start your allergy meds early

You can start taking your allergy medicine 2 to 4 weeks before allergy season starts. This boosts your body’s immune system response to your allergy triggers. Don’t forget to take them on days with especially high allergen counts.

Sinus rinses can go a long way

Sinus rinses can wash away irritants in your sinus passages. They can also break down mucus buildup and soothe irritated sinuses.

Make sure to regularly clean your home

Keeping your home clean is a simple yet effective way to manage your allergies come springtime. Regularly vacuum and dust around your home to get rid of dirt, dust, and pet dander that can exacerbate allergy symptoms. Additionally, regularly wash and change your bed sheets.

Keep your pets clean too

If you have pets that go outside, their fur can collect allergens and irritants. Be sure to clean them before bringing them inside, and groom them regularly to minimize pet dander.

Don’t forget to consult with your doctor

If your allergy symptoms persist even with various interventions, or if you notice that your allergy medications stop working, do not hesitate to consult with your doctor. At West Palm Beach Breathe Free, we are committed to helping our patients who suffer from seasonal allergies find relief from their symptoms. Schedule an appointment with our team today and welcome the spring season with arms wide open!

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or a qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.